Apple Strudel


1 c. soft bread crumbs (2 slices)

1 c. ground walnuts

8 medium apples, sliced thin (8 cups)

1 c. sugar

¾ c. butter or margarine, melted

1 c. raisins (golden)

1 T. lemon rind

1 T. lemon juice

1 t. cinnamon

16 phyllo leaves

powdered sugar


Combine bread crumbs and walnuts in a skillet and stir over medium heat until crumbs and nuts are golden, 5 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Combine apples, sugar, raisins, lemon rind and juice and cinnamon in a large bowl.  Place 4 leaves on a clean towel, place another 4 leaves overlapping to form an 18x18 square.  Brush with some of the melted butter.  Sprinkle half of the crumb mixture over entire surface.  Spoon half of the apple mixture in an even row down one side of dough, 2 inches from edge.  Using the towel, lift the dough up and over filling.  Fold the 2 adjacent sides of the dough toward center, in order to completely enclose filling.  Continue rolling strudel, aided by towel, allow it to roll over and over on itself until completely rolled.  You will have a 15x3 roll.  Carefully ease filled roll onto a jelly roll pan.  Repeat for remaining strudel.  Bake at 400 degrees for 35 minutes, brushing with melted butter several times.  Allow to cool 15 minutes before removing from pan.  Sprinkle with powdered sugar.